
Monday, April 18, 2011

Spring Cleaning

Spring is such a great time for "spring cleaning".  Honestly, I'm not sure why.     It's just a great time to purge, and  get our house in order.  Personally, we clean because we're ending our school year, and the house is a complete mess by this time.  We need to catch up on some much needed cleaning!   
What about your life?  Have you taken inventory lately, and done some spring cleaning?  What things have you held on to that you need to let go of?  Are there people in your life, who are harmful?  Are there habits in your life that are hurting you?  Are there activities sucking up your time that could be better spent developing intimate relationships?  Are there material things that have captured your heart?  This is a great time to purge.  Holding on to the bad--even the mediocre--prevents us from receiving the good that God has for us.  If your cup is already full, how can God fill it with His glorious blessings? 
We are told in Hebrews 12:1 to throw off everything that keeps us from moving forward in God’s purposes for our lives, that includes the sin that would entangle us and keep us from running free and unhindered toward our destiny.  We need to ask God for the courage and strength to help us let go of everything in our lives that is not good for us, so that we can receive the good that God has for us.  
Let me know how I can be praying for you as you "Spring Clean".

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