
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

40 Days of Discovery- Day 2

Recently, I've been reading two very different books.  One book is a collection of essays and articles written on the "inner spiritual life" or meditative prayer.    I thought the book looked interesting.  I'll be honest, you almost have to have a PhD to read it.  It is a book written by intellectuals to intellectuals--though it continually encourages the reader to engage the heart in prayer rather than the mind.  It takes the most simple concepts and describes them in such complexity that they become unrecognizable.  I am gaining insight into other sides of Christianity-- Eastern Orthodox, and Catholic faith.  It's good to hear other perspectives and see what nuggets of wisdom can be gleamed.  But there is MUCH sifting to be done.  MUCH!  I am honestly most disappointed with the lack of devotion to Jesus.  It's Jesus and...  It's "the Christ" or "the Christ in us" or "the divine is us".  One article even proposed that Jesus came so that we could become God.  There is no gospel message spoken.  If meditation doesn't compel us to "Go and Make disciples..", then Christianity simply becomes one of many paths that one can take to somehow achieve the "divine is us"--as some say. 

On the other hand, I just finished reading Tortured for Christ by Richard Wurmbrand(  What a powerful and passionate book!.  It talks about the author's experiences in Communist Romania working in the Underground Church and his 14 years in prison being tortured, as well as giving lots of stories of others who have been persecuted for the name Jesus.  What a stark contrast to the other book I've been reading.  This book isn't some theological discussion about higher plans, and such, but a book written about people who have fallen deeply in love with Jesus.  It's plain and simple.  People are going to prison, refusing to renounce their faith, refusing to hate their enemies, and refusing to STOP preaching the gospel.  And the Church continued to grow in spite of the intense persecution they are under.  This book inspires you to support our brothers and sister who are being persecuted around the world through prayer, and financial support.  It's also convicting!  People around the world are excitedly sharing the gospel and publicly declaring their love for Jesus amidst intense opposition! What excuse do I have?

Oh Jesus give me such intense love for you that I long to live in your presence, allowing you to fill me to overflowing that I may be a fountain for a world that is thirsty for your redeeming grace.  Amen.

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