
Saturday, June 23, 2012

My Best Friend is the King

My best friend is the King
Not just a King
but the King
the Absolute Ruler
the Mighty One
the Blessed One
the Beautiful One
He is my friend
And I am His
He is tender with me
He loves me
He blesses me
With good things
He reveals secret things to me
I am in His inner circle
And He has given me great authority
His authority
I can speak in His name
Act in His name
On His behalf
Not out of my own selfish ambition
But to honor my king
His name has weight
It's Mighty
His enemies tremble at the 
mention of His name
But his name also brings Healing
every good and perfect gift
He is tender to those in His Kingdom
He cares for His subjects so well
He  protects them
And lavishly provides every good gift for their enjoyment
He will not let them harm themselves
or each other
He's the perfect King,
Yet those who oppose Him
or seed to harm His loyal subjects
will be DEFEATED
All must bow before this righteous King
And those who bow,
live under His constant care and love
And they too become a part of 
His inner circle,
Not simply servants
But servants that are friends of the King
this King is my best friend
Oh how He loves Me
Oh how He love you
He's a King that sacrificed greatly
so that you might live in His glorious kingdom
He gave His life
He left His glory and splendor behind
HE became weak and poor
He was insulted
spat upon
He submit himself to His enemies
He did this for one purpose:
To free us!
from the clutches of his enemy 
We were His captives
And Jesus
our mighty King
set us free!
And now we can walk from our prison and chains
into the glorious kingdom of God
where Jesus
our Mighty King
Rules and Reigns Supreme
No One
No One
No One
Can snatch us from His hands

My best friend is the King.


  1. He is my best friend too:) Thank you for describing our King so well!
